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About Maimonides

An Explanatory Commentary on Each Chapter
of Maimonides' Guide of The Perplexed
By: Scott Michael Alexander

Links to Other Useful Websites
Here is the Guide of the Perplexed, Friedländer translation
(Scanned as three separate volumes, the way it originally came out in 1885, with original footnotes. This, in my opinion, is the best of the English translations, as long as it has R. Friedländer's footnotes. The scan is from Google Books. Google Books is challenging to use but can be made to work. These are very rare volumes. I own one undated from around 1900, with all three sections in one volume, but pagination restarts at each volume, an obvious paste job. The important and scholarly footnotes by Rabbi Michael Friedländer (April 29, 1833 – December 10, 1910) were scandalously deleted in all subsequent editions. Here is a click to his Wikipedia entry. Here are clicks to the Google scans:)
Volume One
Volume Two
Volume Three
Guide of the Perplexed, Friedländer Translation without notes
Guide of the Perplexed, Friedländer Translation without notes, but with Ibn Tibon Hebrew after each paragraph, at Sefaria New
Guide of the Perplexed, Pines Translation
Guide of the Perplexed, Morei Nevukhim, Hebrew Translation by R. Yosef Kafiḥ
Guide of the Perplexed, Morei Nevukhim, Hebrew Translation by R. Yosef Kafiḥ with facing column in original Judeo-Arabic New
(I was thrilled to finally find a scan to this extremely useful and long out of print original of the Kafiḥ Guide, 3 column: Judeo-Arabic, Hebrew, Hebrew commentary, and including a panel on each page with critical editorial notes to the Judeo-Arabic. You may in the future be required to pay to join this site, Otzar ha-Hochma, perhaps through your library, or join Spertus College Library.)
Volume One
Volume Two
Volume Three
Guide of the Perplexed, Dalalat Ha-irin, Judeo-Arabic original, Munk/Joel edition
Guide of the Perplexed, Dalalat Ha-irin, Arabic script
Mishneh Torah - Hebrew English at Sefaria
Commentary of R. Narboni on Guide of the Perplexed
Sefer Ha-Madda - from Mishneh Torah - Hebrew, and many other useful links
The Eight chapters of Maimonides on Ethics (Shemonah perakim)
Maimonides' Responsa (Shailot v'Teshuvot)
Maimonides' Book of Logic (Sefer ha-Higayon), Eng. Trans. Israel Efros
Maimonides Group @ Yahoo Groups
Scott Alexander Podcasts at Podomatic
Maimonides Heritage Center Useful Links
Maimonides' 13 Foundations of Judaism
Spertus College of Judaica Library (Site for many volumes discussed in my chapter essays, text and online)
The National Library of Israel, HaSifria HaLeumit
Seforim Online
Links to works by other authors than Maimonides:
Averroes (Ibn Rushd) De Substantia Orbis, translation by Arthur Hyman New
(Necessary volume to find out what Averroes' recasting of 14th c. scholastic cosmology was about)
Bakan, David, Maimonides on Prophecy New
Davidson, Herbert, Proofs for Eternity, Creation and the Existence of God in Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy, 1987 Oxford. PDF from ZLibrary New
​Ginzberg, Louis, Legends of the Jews, multivolume trans. by Henrietta Szold New
(Indispensable key to the world of Midrash, especially the Notes volume)
David Novak (Maimonides authority) links to various works on Wikipedia
Lenn Goodman (Maimonides authority) books, publications, lectures
Charles H. Manekin: “Scepticism and Anti-Scepticism: The Case of Maimonides,” New
Rabbi Dr. Dovid Gottlieb Youtube video lecture on chapters 1:1 & 1:2 of the Guide New
Rabbi Dr. Jose Faur documents:
Rabbi Dr. Jose Faur article: "Anti-Maimonidean Demons." New!
(I include this article advisedly. Yes, it is biased and provocative. Hakham Faur only presents a single point of view about the 13th Century "Maimonidean Controversy" and attacks many well known figures from that period. Nonetheless, it is a point of view we never get to hear, and it is very well documented. For those reasons I link to it here.)
Memorial to Rabbi Dr. Jose Faur New!
My brief note on the passing of Rabbi Dr. Jose Faur New!
Dr. Harry Austryn Wolfson documents:
Harry Austryn Wolfson on Wikipedia
Crescas' Critique of Aristotle, by Harry Wolfson, full text PDF New!
Philo, by Harry Wolfson, full text PDF New!
Dr. Isidore Twerski's Obituary for Dr. Harry Austryn Wolfson New!
I'm a title.
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